1. TM Duke - Just for A Day 2. Map Of Africa - Map Of Africa 3. Fleetwood Mac - Albatross 4. Unknown - Ain't Gonna Feel 5. Orbital - Belfast (JDB edit)
A short video of the drive shot from the dashboard...
1. Beatconductor - I Wouldnt Wanna Be Like You 2. Dennis Parker - Like an eagle 3. C Orchestra - Not Too Shabby 4. Hawk - Chinese Kung Fu (Hawk re-edit) 5. Pleasure - Joyous Venice Beach
California part 2 - Venice by JamesDB 1. Mr Confuse - Its just a blues 2. The Main Ingredient - California my way 3. Robert Palmer - Every kinda people 4. Afro Cuban Band - Something's got to give (Todd Terje Rekutt) 5. The Nextmen - Round of applause 6. Odyssey - Rooster loose in the barnyard 7. Black Joe Lewis - I'm Broke